
Waste plastics
– trash is history

Before the Act for Promoting Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management and Ensuring Environmentally Compatible Waste Disposal (Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz (KRW-/AbfD) “trash” was disposed on landfills. Today the cycling of matter in nature is the role model for modern recycling and disposal methods. We try to use material and energy as long as possibly under consideration of ecological and social viewpoints. Plastics and synthetics represent extraordinary efficient resources. Plastics are part of almost every item we have in daily use. Our cars, PCs, machinery, toys, tools….. just to name a few. At the end of their utilization, after dismantling and extraction, they offer a wide range of further usability. The recycling of plastic generates commodities for future plastic products. And even if this option may not be drawn, there is still the highly efficient waste incineration with thermal dissipation for the generation of electricity, steam and heat.

In Germany waste synthetics are nowadays reused completely. More than 40% find their way back into the production process as raw materials. The remaining rest provides energy e.g. as solid fuel for incineration. UNIROH GmbH has committed itself to this principle of closed substance cycle waste management. Based on long term experience and with the help of worldwide numerous contacts among vendors and customers, we are enabled to offer premium marketing solutions for your plastic and paper material streams. Our portfolio includes, but is not limited to:

  • LDPE -foils coloured or clear
  • All DSD fractions
  • PE / PP
  • HDPE
  • Mixed plastics
  • PVC
  • Thermal synthetics
And of course there are further grades possible – all you have to do is to contact us.

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